Agriculture Company
The agriculture company was born from the passion and dedication of Marco Garrapa, a twenty-seven-year-old from Melpignano. After graduating from the Agricultural Institute of Maglie, he immediately decided to devote himself to the land, a passion transmitted to him by his grandparents, also them farmers.
In the countryside of Melpignano they manage almost 8 hectares: 2 of their own, the remaining lent for free use by fellow villagers who believed in the goodness of their project, giving them their full confidence. They cultivate ancient grains of the Cappelli, Saragolla and Maiorca varieties from which they make flour, semolina and a highly prized Saragolla pasta. In addition to cereals, they produce white chickpeas.
Saragolla Wheat
Rich in natural antioxidants, vegetable proteins, lipids, mineral salts and it has a very low gluten concentration. It is therefore highly assimilable, more digestible and particularly appreciated by intolerants to common wheat products.
the producers
About Marco and Danilo
Marco and Danilo, both born and raised in Melpignano respectively since ’92 and ’91. About 9 years ago, they established their agriculture company starting from an Ape by Piaggio inherited from one of the grandparents. They began to cultivate legumes and organic vegetables both on their own lands and on lots obtained under free concession to be put back into cultivation.
Today, among other things, they produce Saragolla wheat and white chickpeas.